The Complete Guide To Dental Crowns: Restoring Your Smile With Coastal Smiles

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The prospect of having a dental crown placed on your teeth may appear daunting, nevertheless, there is nothing to be concerned about. Dental crown restoration or restorative dentistry is one of the most popular and successful treatments that dentists conduct.

In this detailed guide, you will learn everything you need to know about dental crowns. As you read on, you will be introduced to Costal Smiles , a team of dedicated dental experts providing customized solutions for patients seeking dental crown treatments. 

What Are The Types Of Dental Crowns?

The major dental crown types include:  

Porcelain Crown: It’s one of the popular choices of dental crown treatment and works best for people seeking a natural look for their teeth. They are customized to match the exact texture and color of your teeth. Moreover, these porcelain are mainly used for a frontal set of your teeth and are a perfect choice for cosmetic purposes.

Ceramic Crowns: These are more like porcelain crowns and are very well-known for their durability. They show great resistance to straining and help in restoring both front and back teeth. These particular types of crowns provide a robust as well as aesthetic solution for your teeth.

Zirconia Crowns: Like metal crowns, they also feature great strength. If you are planning to get dental crown treatment for back or molar teeth, zirconia crowns would be a great choice for you. Zirconia crowns are well-known for their durability and resistance to chipping and breaking.

Metal Crowns: These crowns are made from gold or silver alloy. It gives a kind of metallic appearance and features great durability. Metal crowns are often preferred for molars and teeth that put up with chewing forces. 

Temporary Crown: These crowns as the name suggests are used as a temporary solution. They give protection and help in maintaining your tooth’s appearance. This temporary solution is implemented until the permanent one is ready. 

Porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns: Another popular form of dental crowns is porcelain fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns. They are strong (thanks to their metal construction) and beautiful (because of the porcelain finish that covers the cap).

The Dental Crown Procedure 

The detailed dental crown procedure  follows:

Consultation and Tooth Examination: The very first step of the procedure involves consultation followed by your tooth examination. After the proper examination and teeth damage assessment, your doctor will tell you whether or not you require dental crown treatment.


Anesthesia: This step involves the numbing of the tooth to ensure that you do not feel any kind of pain and remain comfortable during the whole treatment. 

Tooth Preparation and Impression: The dentist will begin by reshaping the damaged or decaying teeth. This entails eliminating any decaying tissue and making room for the crown to fit properly. 
In some cases, tooth filling strengthens the foundation for the crown. After tooth preparation, an impression is taken to craft a custom-fitted crown. 

Temporary Crown: Protects the prepared tooth while the permanent crown is being made, typically using acrylic or stainless steel.

Crown Fabrication: The dental lab creates permanent crowns from materials like porcelain, ceramic, metal, or a combination, depending on your needs. 

Crown Placement: The permanent crown is checked for fit, color, and bite before replacing the temporary one, with necessary adjustments. 

Cementing the Crown: The permanent crown is securely attached to the prepared tooth with dental adhesive. 

Bite Adjustment: The dentist ensures your bite is comfortable and balanced to prevent any interference. 

Final Polishing: The crown is polished for a smooth, natural look and reduced plaque buildup. 

Dental Crown Aftercare Instructions: You’ll receive guidance on diet, oral hygiene, and follow-up appointments to maintain the crown’s condition.

The Benefits of Dental Crowns

The major dental crowns benefits include:

Aesthetically Pleasing

One of the most significant benefits of dental crowns is their ability to improve the appearance of your teeth. Crowns can be customized to match the color, size, and shape of your natural teeth, ensuring a seamless blend with your smile. This makes them an ideal choice for restoring front teeth or teeth that are highly visible.

Tooth Strength and Protection

Dental crowns provide strength and stability to damaged or weakened teeth. They can hold together cracked or broken teeth, preventing further damage or the need for extraction. Crowns act as a protective barrier, shielding your natural tooth from additional harm.

Longevity Dental crown longevity is one of the major perks in cosmetic dentistry solutions. With proper care and maintenance, they can last for many years, often a decade or more. This long lifespan ensures that you won’t need frequent replacements. This makes them a cost-effective solution in the long run.

Comfort and Functionality

A well-fitted dental crown restores your tooth’s proper alignment and function. It allows you to chew and speak comfortably. This eliminates any discomfort or pain you may have experienced due to damaged teeth.


Dental crowns are a versatile solution that can address a wide range of dental issues. Whether you have a severely decayed tooth, a fractured tooth, or a tooth with cosmetic imperfections, a crown can provide an effective solution.

Enhanced Oral Health

By strengthening and protecting damaged teeth, dental crowns contribute to better overall oral health. They can prevent the spread of decay and infection, potentially saving your tooth from extraction.

Stain Resistance

Depending on the material used, dental crowns can be highly stain-resistant. This is especially beneficial for those who enjoy coffee, tea, red wine, or other foods and beverages that can cause tooth discoloration.

Improved Self-Confidence

A damaged or unsightly tooth can have a significant impact on your self-confidence and social interactions. Dental crowns can help you regain your self-esteem by providing a beautiful and functional smile.

Coastal Smiles: Your Smile Restoration Partner

Coastal Smiles stands out as a dental practice that takes pride in offering customized solutions for patients seeking dental crown treatments. Your journey to a restored smile begins with a dental crown consultation at Coastal Smiles. 

During this initial appointment, our experienced dental professionals will take the time to get to know you, assess your dental health, and understand your specific requirements. Our dentists will conduct a comprehensive examination to determine the best approach for your dental crown treatment. 

Patient Success Stories

The true measure of our commitment to patient satisfaction and the effectiveness of our dental crown treatments lies in the stories of those we have served. Consider Jane, a patient with a severely damaged front tooth, who turned to Coastal Smiles for help. Our dental experts suggested a porcelain crown to restore her tooth’s natural look and functionality. 

Post-treatment, Jane’s smile was nothing short of breathtaking, boosting her self-esteem and confidence. This is just one of the many transformative stories we witness at Coastal Smiles, showcasing the incredible impact of dental crowns on our patients’ lives.

Another patient, John, faced a different challenge. He had a molar with extensive decay, causing persistent discomfort and difficulty chewing. John’s case called for a zirconia crown, renowned for its durability and strength.

After the crown was placed, John was amazed at the difference. He no longer experienced pain while eating, and his overall oral health improved.

These success stories are a testament to the power of customized dental crown treatments at Coastal Smiles

We understand that no two patients are the same, and we take the time to tailor our solutions to each individual’s unique needs, whether it’s enhancing their smile’s aesthetics or restoring their oral health.


Coastal Smiles is more than a dental practice; it’s a partner in your journey to a brighter, healthier smile. Our commitment to patient satisfaction, holistic oral health, and the transformative power of dental crowns sets us apart in the field of dentistry. So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us right now!

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